This is a collection of photos that were recently added to the site.
Most of my photographs are available for sale as prints through this website. The copyright watermark that appears on the images here will not appear on prints.
To add an image to your shopping cart:
(1) Choose a gallery and click on a thumbnail to view a larger image.
(2) Click the "Add to Cart" button in the upper right part of the page or mouse over the upper left corner of the image and select "Add to Cart."
(3) Choose the type of product you wish to order from the popup. If you don't see all the product options, click on "Back To All Products."
All photographs appearing on this site are the property of Michael Hocter and unless otherwise indicated. These photos are protected by U.S. Copyright laws and are not to be downloaded or reproduced in any way other than the methods explicitly provided by this website without the written permission of Michael Hocter. If you are interested in permission to use a photograph from this website, please contact me to request permission.
© Michael Hocter Photography